This Week in WoW – More Class Tuning, Torghast Updates, Adventures Tuning, and More! (February 2nd, 2021)

Welcome back to another This Week in Wow! There’s a lot that’s happened since the last weekly reset, which means we have some exciting changes to discuss!
Class Tuning
Another round of very welcome class tuning is happening this week, targeting underperforming specs, many of whom have already had significant damage increase hotfixes this season.
Hello.At this time, we’re testing a round of adjustments to underperforming classes that we intend to make with weekly resets (on February 2 in this region).
- Death Knight
- Frost
- All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Demon Hunter
- Havoc
- All damage abilities increased by 3%.
- Hunter
- Beast Mastery
- All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Survival
- All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Mage
- Frost
- All damage abilities increased by 3%.
- Rogue
- Assassination
- All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Shaman
- Enhancement
- All damage abilities increased by 3%.
- Warlock
- Destruction
- All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Warrior
- Arms
- All damage abilities increased by 3%.
- Fury
- All damage abilities increased by 3%.
As always, the changes above are a work in progress, and may differ before they go live. We’ll have the final tuning noted in our Hotfixes Update post next week.
Torghast Updates
Blizzard has made a welcome update to Torghast this past week for those who play alts. All Torghast wings except Twisting Corridors will now share their layer unlocks across your account. This means that if you unlock layer 8 of Soulforges on your main, when you log onto your alt, you’ll also be able to play layer 8 regardless of whether you’ve done any of the other layers.
With a hotfix that is now live, we’ve implemented a highest-layer-sharing system for players who wish to plunder Torghast on multiple characters.
Now, when you’ve completed a Torghast layer on any character on your account, your other characters will have access to it (as long as they meet the usual requirements for Torghast).
Players who have been running Torghast regularly should now find their highest layer available on their alts. This unlock sharing can’t look back very far though, so if you haven’t run Torghast in a while, you’ll need to complete a run on your main, and you’ll then see the higher layers available on your alts.
Please note: Twisting Corridors remains separately shared to alts, and completing Twisting Corridors only will not grant access to normal layers for other characters on the account.
Adventures Tuning
There were some tuning changes made to Adventures this past week to balance the performance of Kyrian and Venthyr companions, who have been lagging behind the effectiveness of their night Fae and Necrolord counterparts.
With hotfixes that are now live, we’ve applied a suite of updates to Adventures for the Kyrian and Venthyr Covenants, in hopes of bringing their performance while adventuring up to that of the Necrolords and Night Fae. Here’s a list of all of the changes that are now in effect.The Kyrian Covenant Companions were a mix of durable combatants and fragile fighters who had big abilities, but deploying them effectively wasn’t as intuitive as expected. To compensate, we’ve boosted many abilities and decreased some Companions’ overall fragility.
- Pelagos health increased by 20%.
- Teliah spell effectiveness increased by 18%.
- Kythekios attack increased by 50%.
- Telethakas health increased by 100%, and spell effectiveness increased by 167%.
- Hala health increased by 17%, attack increased by 50%, and spell effectiveness increased by 30%.
- Molako health increased by 67%, and spell effectiveness increased by 33%.
- Ispiron attack increased by 33%.
- Nemea attack increased by 33%, and spell effectiveness increased by 50%.
- Pelodis attack increased by 33%, and spell effectiveness increased by 50%.
- Disciple Kosmas health increased by 20%.
- Bron attack increased by 50%.
- Apolon health increased by 25%, and spell effectiveness increased by 100%.
Many of the Venthyr Covenant Companions were not as well established in their different roles as we hoped. Some had a powerful attack, but were beaten before they could deploy it. They’ve each received an improvement that fits with their purpose.
- General Draven health increased by 25%.
- Nadjia the Mistblade health increased by 30%.
- Theotar health increased by 25%, and spell effectiveness increased by 20%.
- Stonehuck health increased by 25%.
- Kaletar the Mender health increased by 20%, and spell effectiveness increased by 67%.
- Ayeleth the Deprived health increased by 38%, and spell effectiveness increased by 43%.
- Rahel health increased by 40%, and spell effectiveness increased by 100%.
- Stonehead health increased by 25%, cooldown increased to 4 rounds (was 2), and spell effectiveness increased by 400%.
- Simone health increased by 38%.
- Bogdan spell effectiveness increased by 150%.
- Thela Soulsipper health increased by 38%.
- Dug Gravewell health increased by 14%.
- Nerith Darkwing health increased by 38%.
- Lost Sybille health increased by 50%, and spell effectiveness increased by 40%.
- Vulca health increased by 25%, and spell effectiveness increased by 25%.
We’ve additionally updated the Ardenweald Bramble Trap ability to correct a bug that caused its damage reduction to incorrectly apply permanently to enemy units.
- Ardenweald Bramble Trap ability redesigned. This is now a 1-cooldown ability which deals damage and reduces the damage of the next enemy attack.
Final Castle Nathria LFR Wing Opens
This week the final wing of Castle Nathria Raidfinder, “An Audience with Arrogance” opens. There is only one boss to defeat in this Raidfinder wing, Sire Denathrius. As someone who loves the voice lines in the Sire Denathrius fight, I look forward to more people being able to experience them!
Shadowlands Dungeon Bonus Event
The Shadowlands Dungeon Bonus Event is this week’s weekly event. During this event, the final boss of Shadowlands Dungeons will drop an extra piece of loot. That makes this a great week to grind out some Mythic Plus for some extra gear and fill up your Great Vault for the week!
There’s also the “Emissary of War” quest to pick up from Caretaker Kah-Toll next to the Great Vault in Oribos (coordinates 64.95, 32.68). This will reward you with a Cache of Nathrian Treasures containing a Heroic Nathria (ilvl 213) piece of gear for completing 4 Mythic Dungeons.
Mythic Plus Affixes – Fortified, Inspiring, Storming, Prideful
This week’s Mythic Plus affixes are Fortified, Inspiring, Storming, and Prideful.
Key Level | Affix | Affix Effect |
+2 | Fortified | Non-boss enemies have 20% more health and inflict up to 30% increased damage. |
+4 | Inspiring | Some non-boss enemies have an inspiring presence that strengthens their allies. |
+7 | Storming | While in combat, enemies periodically summon damaging whirlwinds. |
+10 | Prideful | Players overflow with pride as they defeat non-boss enemies, eventually forming a Manifestation of Pride. Defeating this Manifestation greatly empowers players. |
Dungeon Tuning Hotfixes
Mythic Plus players rejoice! The Tyrannical Affix has been nerfed! Tyrannical will now give bosses 30% increased health instead of 40%.
There are also a significant number of nerfs to seven Shadowlands Dungeons, just in time for this week’s Dungeon Bonus Event!
Dungeons and Raids
- Mythic Keystone Dungeons
- [With regional restarts] Bosses now gain 30% increased health when Tyrannical (Affix) is active (was 40%).
- De Other Side
- [With regional restarts] Headless Client melee damage reduced by 40% and Discharge damage reduced by 33%.
- [With regional restarts] 4.RF-4.RF’s Metallic Jaws damage reduced by 33% and W-00F now prefers non-tank targets.
- [With regional restarts] Atal’ai Deathwalker melee damage reduced by 25% and Gushing Wound is cast less frequently.
- Mists of Tirna Scithe
- [With regional restarts] Drust Soulcleaver’s Soul Split damage reduced by 40%.
- Plaguefall
- [With regional restarts] Rotting Slimeclaw’s Corroded Claws damage reduced by 50%.
- Sanguine Depths
- [With regional restarts] Chamber Sentinel’s Severing Slice initial damage reduced by 50%.
- [With regional restarts] Frenzied Ghouls cast Shadow Claws less frequently.
- [With regional restarts] Insatiable Brute’s Slam damage reduced by 21% and is cast less frequently.
- Spires of Ascension
- [With regional restarts] Etherdivers cast Insidious Venom less frequently.
- [With regional restarts] Forsworn Kyrian’s Dark Lash cast time increased to 2 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
- The Necrotic Wake
- [With regional restarts] Zolramus Bonecarver’s Boneflay bleed damage reduced by 70% and duration reduced to 10 seconds (was 20 seconds).
- [With regional restarts] Fixed an issue where Zolramus Bonecarver’s Boneflay bleed damage was reduced by Armor.
- [With regional restarts] Skeletal Marauders cast Gruesome Cleave less frequently.
- Theater of Pain
- [With regional restarts] Unyielding Contender’s Vicious Strike damage reduced by 20%.
- [With regional restarts] Ossified Conscripts cast Cruel Slash less frequently.
- Developers’ note: We’ve noticed tanks in Mythic Keystone Dungeons feeling pressured to spend more time running away and less time actually tanking than we’d like. In an effort to address this, we’re dialing back the tank damage of a number of dungeon denizens who’ve proven to be particularly painful.
PvP Brawl: Warsong Scramble
This week’s PvP Brawl is Warsong Scramble. This takes place on the Warsong Gulch map and each team will have multiple flags. It’s a hectic game mode and worth a try if you haven’t done it before!
Renown Cap Increases to 30
This week, the Renown cap increases to Renown 30, allowing you to unlock some great new perks!
Renown 29
At Renown 29, you’ll unlock the seventh row for your third soulbind.
- Kyrian: Mikanikos
- Necrolord: Bonesmith Heirmir
- Night Fae: Dreamweaver
- Venthyr: Draven
You will also unlock an increase to your World Quest item level.
Renown 30
At Renown 30, you will unlock the final row for your first soulbind.
- Kyrian: Pelagos
- Necrolord: Marileth
- Night Fae: Niya
- Venthyr: Nadjia
Mortanis World Boss Up
This week’s Shadowlands World Boss is Mortanis, located in Maldraxxus. Defeating Mortanis to complete the accompanying World Quest will net you 250 Amina and a chance at some gear.
All Hotfixes Since Last Week
FEBRUARY 1, 2021
- Death Knight
- Frost
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- [With regional restarts] Chill Streak (PvP Talent) damage has been reduced by 10%.
- Demon Hunter
- Havoc
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 3%.
- Hunter
- Beast Mastery
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Survival
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Mage
- Frost
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 3%.
- Paladin
- Shadow Resistance Aura will no longer be removed from the Paladin when they die.
- Rogue
- Assassination
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Shaman
- Enhancement
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 3%.
- Warlock
- Fixed an issue where Resolute Barrier’s (Conduit) effect could be placed on cooldown when the Warlock took damage lower than 5% of their maximum health.
- Destruction
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Warrior
- Arms
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 3%.
- [With regional restarts] Master and Commander (PvP Talent) reduces the cooldown of Rallying Cry by 60 seconds (was 120 seconds).
- Fury
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 3%.
- [With regional restarts] Master and Commander (PvP Talent) reduces the cooldown of Rallying Cry by 60 seconds (was 120 seconds).
- Night Fae
- [With regional restarts] When Podtender (Dreamweaver Soulbind) is triggered, the player inside the pod will be dropped from targeting.
- [With regional restarts] To help with locating easier, the Podtender (Dreamweaver Soulbind) nameplate will now appear as a white player nameplate rather than a red minion nameplate.
Dungeons and Raids
- Mythic Keystone Dungeons
- [With regional restarts] Bosses now gain 30% increased health when Tyrannical (Affix) is active (was 40%).
- De Other Side
- [With regional restarts] Headless Client melee damage reduced by 40% and Discharge damage reduced by 33%.
- [With regional restarts] 4.RF-4.RF’s Metallic Jaws damage reduced by 33% and W-00F now prefers non-tank targets.
- [With regional restarts] Atal’ai Deathwalker melee damage reduced by 25% and Gushing Wound is cast less frequently.
- Mists of Tirna Scithe
- [With regional restarts] Drust Soulcleaver’s Soul Split damage reduced by 40%.
- Plaguefall
- [With regional restarts] Rotting Slimeclaw’s Corroded Claws damage reduced by 50%.
- Sanguine Depths
- [With regional restarts] Chamber Sentinel’s Severing Slice initial damage reduced by 50%.
- [With regional restarts] Frenzied Ghouls cast Shadow Claws less frequently.
- [With regional restarts] Insatiable Brute’s Slam damage reduced by 21% and is cast less frequently.
- Spires of Ascension
- [With regional restarts] Etherdivers cast Insidious Venom less frequently.
- [With regional restarts] Forsworn Kyrian’s Dark Lash cast time increased to 2 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
- The Necrotic Wake
- [With regional restarts] Zolramus Bonecarver’s Boneflay bleed damage reduced by 70% and duration reduced to 10 seconds (was 20 seconds).
- [With regional restarts] Fixed an issue where Zolramus Bonecarver’s Boneflay bleed damage was reduced by Armor.
- [With regional restarts] Skeletal Marauders cast Gruesome Cleave less frequently.
- Theater of Pain
- [With regional restarts] Unyielding Contender’s Vicious Strike damage reduced by 20%.
- [With regional restarts] Ossified Conscripts cast Cruel Slash less frequently.
- Developers’ note: We’ve noticed tanks in Mythic Keystone Dungeons feeling pressured to spend more time running away and less time actually tanking than we’d like. In an effort to address this, we’re dialing back the tank damage of a number of dungeon denizens who’ve proven to be particularly painful.
Items and Rewards
- [With regional restarts] Vantus Rune: Castle Nathria now grants 100 Versatility (was 40).
- Fixed an issue where the Treant Sprout summoned from Treecorn was missing all of its attacks.
- Fixed an issue that would provide too much quest credit for “A Call to Bastion” when Kin-Tara was defeated.
JANUARY 29, 2021
- Kyrian Covenant Companions
- Apolon health increased by 25%, and spell effectiveness increased by 100%.
- Bron attack increased by 50%.
- Disciple Kosmas health increased by 20%.
- Hala health increased by 17%, attack increased by 50%, and spell effectiveness increased by 30%.
- Ispiron attack increased by 33%.
- Kythekios attack increased by 50%, and spell effectiveness increased by 167%.
- Molako health increased by 67%, and spell effectiveness increased by 33%.
- Nemea attack increased by 33%, and spell effectiveness increased by 50%.
- Pelagos health increased by 20%.
- Pelodis attack increased by 33%, and spell effectiveness increased by 50%.
- Telethakas health increased by 100%, and spell effectiveness increased by 167%.
- Teliah spell effectiveness increased by 18%.
- Developers’ note: The Kyrian Covenant Companions were a mix of durable combatants and fragile fighters who had big abilities, but deploying them effectively wasn’t as intuitive as expected. To compensate, we’ve boosted many abilities and decreased some Companions’ overall fragility.
- Venthyr Covenant Companions
- Ayeleth the Deprived health increased by 38%, and spell effectiveness increased by 43%.
- Bogdan spell effectiveness increased by 150%.
- Dug Gravewell health increased by 14%.
- General Draven health increased by 25%.
- Kaletar the Mender health increased by 20%, and spell effectiveness increased by 67%.
- Lost Sybille health increased by 50%, and spell effectiveness increased by 40%.
- Nadjia the Mistblade health increased by 30%.
- Nerith Darkwing health increased by 38%.
- Rahel health increased by 40%, and spell effectiveness increased by 100%.
- Simone health increased by 38%.
- Stonehead health increased by 25%, cooldown increased to 4 rounds (was 2), and spell effectiveness increased by 400%.
- Stonehuck health increased by 25%.
- Thela Soulsipper health increased by 38%.
- Theotar health increased by 25%, and spell effectiveness increased by 20%.
- Vulca health increased by 25%, and spell effectiveness increased by 25%.
- Developers’ note: Many of the Venthyr Covenant Companions were not as well established in their different roles as we hoped. Some had a powerful attack, but were beaten before they could deploy it. They’ve each received an improvement that fits with their purpose.
- Night Fae Covenant Companions
- Ardenweald Trapper: Bramble Trap ability has been redesigned. This is now a 1-cooldown ability which deals damage and reduces the damage of the next enemy attack.
- Developers’ note: This corrects a bug that caused its damage reduction to incorrectly apply permanently to enemy units.
- Spires of Ascension
- Kyrestia the Firstborne will now hover a little further back from the Devos encounter, eliminating most camera interference she once caused.
Player versus Player
- Valiant Strikes (Soulbind) stacks will now be cleared at the start of battleground and arena matches.
- Fixed an issue with the Western Plaguelands quest “Combat Training” where players could end up with a large number of Enthralled Val’kyr.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
- Completing a layer on any character now unlocks that layer for all characters on the same WoW account who meet the requirements to enter Torghast.
JANUARY 28, 2021
- Taking damage from Serrated Tear and Wicked Laceration no longer trigger Bouquet of Wilted Sanguine Roses to bloom for the Feed Me, Seymour! achievement. Collecting an Anima Orb or a Massive Anima Orb now triggers Bouquet of Wilted Sanguine Roses to bloom.
- Druid
- Convoke the Spirits (Night Fae Ability) will no longer attempt to cast on nearby enemies in a different phase from the Druid.
- Balance
- Force of Nature (Talent) correctly taunts nearby enemies when cast on an elevator or transport.
- Feral
- Draught of Deep Focus (Legendary Effect) now correctly works with Lunar Inspiration (Talent).
Dungeons and Raids
- Plaguefall
- Plaguebound Devoted’s death animation now appears as soon as they are defeated.
Player versus Player
- The Front Line Fortitude buff in Ashran will now correctly apply to Retribution and Protection Paladins, and Feral and Guardian Druids.
- Fixed an issue during the Western Plaguelands quest “Combat Training” where the Enthralled Val’kyr and Forsaken Troopers could be taken into unintended areas.
JANUARY 27, 2021
- Paladin
- Reign of Endless Kings (Legendary Effect) cooldown will no longer be reset when the Paladin uses Divine Shield.
- Venthyr
- The Thrill Seeker (Nadjia Soulbind) buff can no longer be removed by right clicking the effect’s icon. Her appetite for danger will not be deterred.
Dungeons and Raids
- Castle Nathria
- Sludgefist
- Protection Paladins blocking Giant Fists should now trigger the damage component of Holy Shield (Talent).
The Maw
- Fixed an issue where Souls would not release from their Stone Prison if a player’s pet deals the final blow.
- Druids can now shapeshift out of the slow effect from Ghastly Willbreaker’s Shatter Resolve.
- Fixed an issue where Eye of the Jailer: Soul Surge’s ground visual effect was not visible when Projected Textures is disabled in the System Settings menu.
- Fixed an issue where Shadehounds outside of the Hunt: Shadehounds had tooltips and highlighting indicating that they are part of the hunt.