Covenant Class Ability Changes – Warlock, Hunter, and Death Knight

Blizzard posted several blue posts today covering some last-minute changes to Covenant class abilities for Hunter, Death Knight, and Warlock.
Warlock Changes
- Kyrian – Scouring Tithe: Damage reduced by 10%
- Venthyr – Impending Catastrophe: Damage increased by 10%
- Necrolord – Decimating Bolt: Damage increase by 15%
Hunter Changes
- Venthyr – Flayed Shot: Chance to generate free Kill Shot increased
- Night Fae – Wild Spirits: Bugfix – Will no longer deal AoE damage for each target hit by Explosive Shot, will now only deal AoE damage once per Explosive Shot cast
Death Knight Changes
- Necrolord – Abomination Limb: Now grants its buff on cast and again every 6 sec for a total of 3 buffs, damage reduced by 8%
- Venthyr – Swarming Mist: Now deals reduced damage when damaging more than 5 targets
Some tuning adjustments are in flight for Warlocks in Shadowlands. These should be hitting the Beta soon (and of course the live game that will mirror the Beta in 6 hours).
- Scouring Tithe damage reduced by 10% (Kyrian ability).
- Impending Catastrophe damage increased by 15% (Venthyr ability).
- Decimating Bolt damage increased by 15% (Necrolord ability).
It cannot be said enough – thank you all for your testing and your thoughtful feedback.
There is a meaningful change that should be highlighted here, among the other adjustments from late last week. As you know, the Necrolord ability Death Chakram had its damage increased by 10% and the Night Fae ability Wild Spirits had its damage increased by 10%. At the same time,
- The Venthyr ability Flayed Shot had its chance to generate a free Kill Shot increased.
We saw a lot of feedback that Resonating Arrow’s ability to stack with and amplify other class cooldowns made it feel too much more attractive than the other Convenants, and this should somewhat address that.
Please note that we’re fixing a bug with the Night Fae ability Wild Spirits. It is not intended to deal area damage for each target hit by Explosive Shot. After this bugfix (very soon), it will deal area damage once per Explosive Shot cast.
Hello. I’d like to highlight some recent changes that should be testable in the Shadowlands Beta, and will be in place for the live game later today.
We’ve updated Abomination Limb to address the gameplay of having to move out of melee if there are no ranged enemies, to gain 3 Bone Shield charges, Rime, or Runic Corruption.
- Abomination Limb now grants the buff on cast and again every 6 seconds for a total of 3 buffs (was 1).
- Given the increase to the consistency and amount of the effect, Abomination Limb damage is reduced by 8%.
The Venthyr ability Swarming Mist has also been updated.
- Swarming Mist deals reduced damage when damaging more than 5 targets.
Having Swarming Mist deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets should bring its power more inline with the other Death Knight Covenant abilities.