Blizzard Posts Expectations for Shadowlands Launch

Today Blizzard published a blue post outlining the schedule for Shadowlands Launch Day coming up on the 23rd/24th, along with a few other dates and times to keep in mind related to launch day. There were a lot of dates and times to keep straight, so we’ve compiled them into the interactive list below. Click a date, time or event to auto-scroll to that section! (All times are shown in PST.)
November 22nd
WoW’s 16th Anniversary Event Ends
The celebration in the Caverns of Time, along with the widely loved Korak’s Revenge battleground, will disappear until the next anniversary event.
November 23rd
Death’s Rising Pre-Patch Event Ends
At 2PM PST, an hour before launch, the Death’s Rising Shadowlands Pre-patch event will end, and all quests and world bosses will vanish.
2:30PM PST
BFA Mythic Keystone Dungeons Become Unavailable
If you have any last keys you want to push, you’ll likely want to start them at around 1PM.
Shadowlands Launches
Shadowlands, as previously announced, will be launching at 3PM PST on November 23rd, at which players who’ve purchased the Shadowlands expansion will be able to get the Shadowlands starting quest on characters level 48 and above.
Currency is Converted
At the same time as launch, all Titan Residuum and Honor currency (a new currency introduced in pre-patch, not Marks of Honor) will be converted to silver.
Uncorrupted Voidwing Becomes Unavailable
The Ny’alotha AOTC mount, the Uncorrupted Voidwing, will no longer be available once Shadowlands launches.
BFA Mythic Raid Mounts’ Drop Chance Reduces
The Glacial Tidestorm (Mythic Jaina Mount) and the Ny’alotha Allseer (Mythic N’Zoth Mount) will have their dropchance reduced to the same rate as mythic mounts from previous expansions. Check out our Glacial Tidestorm Guide to grab yours before it’s gone!
November 24th
Realm Restarts at Weekly Maintenance Time
Blizz will perform realm restarts during each region’s scheduled maintenance time. The servers will definitely deserve a little break after launch! If you’re not in the NA region, this will be the 25th or 26th.
December 8th (After Weekly Maintainance)
Castle Nathria Raid Launches and Shadowlands Season 1 Begins
On December 8th (two weeks after launch), the first raid of Shadowlands, Castle Nathria, will launch. Shadowlands Season 1 will also begin at this time.
First Weekend Bonus and PvP Brawl of Shadowlands
There will not be a Weekend Bonus Event or PvP Brawl during the first two weeks of Shadowlands. Those will start again when Shadowlands Season 1 launches on the 8th of December.