Where Is the Inn in Valdrakken?

The inn in Valdrakken, The Roasted Ram, is located at 48.48, 50.07 next to the Seat of the Aspects.
Valdrakken Inn Features
The Roasted Ram offers several amenities for guests. Tithris, the innkeeper, will let you set your Hearthstone to this location for quick travel back to Valdrakken. He also sells a variety of goods, including the new mana drink, Azure Leywine.
The inn also has a Cooking Trainer, Erugosa, and a Cooking Station.

Valdrakken Inn Secret Area – The Dragon’s Hoard
There is an entrance to a secret bar inside of The Roasted Ram. This secret bar is called The Dragon’s Hoard.
To get to The Dragon’s Hoard, target the Odd Statue in the back of The Roasted Ram and use the bow emote by typing /bow in chat. You’ll be transported to The Dragon’s Hoard.
The Dragon’s Hoard has its own innkeeper, Kritha, who will let you set your Hearthstone to this location.

While The Dragon’s hoard is usually pretty subdued, that can change in an instant during a Dance Party.