To the Dragon Isles! (Horde)

To the Dragon Isles!
Faction Alliance
Zones Durotar, The Waking Shores
Questgiver Naleidea Rivergleam
Quest Start Coordinates 55.81, 12.65 Durotar
Quest Completion Naleidea Rivergleam
Quest Completion Coordinates 80.62, 27.61 The Waking Shores
Previous Quest Whispers on the Wind (Horde)
Next Quests
Currency Reward 2g 57s 40c

To the Dragon Isles! Quest Guide

Wait for the Defiant Dragonscale to arrive at the zeppelin tower at the Dranosh'ar Blockade and board the zeppelin. Turn the quest in with Naleidea Rivergleam when you arrive at the Waking Shores in the Dragon Isles. She can be found at the coordinates 80.62, 27.61.

To the Dragon Isles! Quest Start

To the Dragon Isles! is started by speaking to Naleidea Rivergleam at 55.81, 12.65 after completing Whispers on the Wind (Horde).

To the Dragon Isles! Quest End

To the Dragon Isles! is completed by speaking to Naleidea Rivergleam at 80.62, 27.61.

To the Dragon Isles! Description

Our preliminary expedition has made landfall in the Dragon Isles.

Thanks to the efforts of those brave Dragonscale Expedition members, we've established a protected landing site in the Dragon Isles and made contact with the dragonflight's embassy.

Are you prepared to accompany us on our next voyage to the Dragon Isles?

To the Dragon Isles! Objectives

  • Wait for the Defiant Dragonscale at the zeppelin tower
  • Ride the Defiant Dragonscale to the Dragon Isles
  • Meet Naleidea Rivergleam on the shores of the Dragon Isles

To the Dragon Isles! Completion

Welcome to the Dragon Isles!