
Oribos, the Eternal City, is the capital city and central player hub of Shadowlands. Here, you’ll find the Shadowlands profession trainers, portals back to Stormwind and Orgrimmar, and travel to the other zones of the Shadowlands.
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Oribos Levels
Oribos has four levels: the Ring of Fates, the Ring of Transference, The Broker’s Den, and The Crucible.
Ring of Fates
This is the main level of Oribos. Here, you’ll find the inn, profession trainers, shops, the bank and void storage, transmogrifiers and barbers, portals back to Stormwind and Orgrimmar, and generally any other amenity one would expect of a capital city.
Ring of Transference
The Ring of Transference where you’ll access the other zones of the Shadowlands from.
The Broker’s Den
The Broker’s Den is the lowest level of Oribos. You can access it from within the The Idyllia in the Ring of Fates.
Oribos Profession Trainers

Within the Hall of Shapes in the Ring of Fates, you’ll find all of the Shadowlands Profession Trainers.
Gathering Profession Trainers
The Shadowlands Herbalism Trainer is Selector Au’mar, located at the coordinates 40.24, 38.24 in the Hall of Shapes in Oribos.
The Shadowlands Mining Trainer is Excavationist Au’fer, located at the coordinates 39.31, 32.94 in the Hall of Shapes in Oribos.
The Shadowlands Skinning Trainer is Flayer Au’khem, located at the coordinates 42.15, 28.11 in the Hall of Shapes in Oribos.
Crafting Profession Trainers
The Shadowlands Tailoring Trainer is Stitcher Au’phes, located at the coordinates 45.50, 31.78 in the Hall of Shapes in Oribos.
The Shadowlands Leatherworking Trainer is Tanner Au’quil, located at the coordinates 42.24, 26.57 in the Hall of Shapes in Oribos.
The Shadowlands Blacksmithing Trainer is Smith Au’brek, located at the coordinates 40.51, 31.54 in the Hall of Shapes in Oribos.
The Shadowlands Inscription Trainer is Scribe Au’tehshi, located at the coordinates 36.53, 36.70 in the Hall of Shapes in Oribos.
The Shadowlands Alchemy Trainer is Elixirist Au’pyr, located at the coordinates 39.22, 40.37 in the Hall of Shapes in Oribos.
The Shadowlands Enchanting Trainer is Imbuer Au’vresh, located at the coordinates 48.40, 29.41 in the Hall of Shapes in Oribos.
The Shadowlands Engineering Trainer is Machinist Au’gur, located the coordinates 38.04, 44.68 in the Hall of Shapes in Oribos.
Secondary Profession Trainers
The Shadowlands Fishing Trainer is Retriever Au’prin, located at the coordinates 47.50, 23.60 in the Hall of Shapes in Oribos.
The Shadowlands Cooking Trainer is Chef Au’krut, located at the coordinates 46.20, 25.60 in the Hall of Shapes in Oribos.
Where is the Archeology Trainer in Oribos?
There is no Archeology Trainer in Oribos because there isn’t Archeology in Shadowlands.
Oribos Amenities
Oribos offers a wide range of amenities for players that are usually available in capital cities.
Oribos Innkeeper
The Oribos Innkeeper, Host Ta’rela, is located at the coordinates 67.44, 50.33 in The Idyllia in Oribos. Here, you can bind your Hearthstone to the Ring of Fates and return quickly using it. If you’ve lost your Hearthstone, the Host Ta’rela can also provide you with a new one.
Oribos Bank
The bank in Oribos is located in the Hall of Holding in the northeastern quadrant of the Ring of Fates. There are four bankers there to allow access to your personal bank vault for storage.
Oribos Guild Bank
The Guild Bank in Oribos is located at the coordinates 65.23, 36.07 in the Hall of Holding in Oribos. This will grant you access to your guild’s vault if you are a member of a guild.
Oribos Void Storage
The Void Storage in Oribos is accessed through Vaultkeeper Ta’khis, located at the coordinates 64.43, 70.55 in the Hall of Curiosities in Oribos. Here, you can access your Void Storage, where you can store items you don’t plan on accessing often for a fee.
Oribos Transmogrifier
The Oribos Transmogrifier, Warpweaver Ta’oren, is located at the coordinates 64.61, 69.87 in the Hall of Curiosities in Oribos.
Oribos Barber
The Oribos Barber, Groomer Ta’visage, is located at the coordinates 64.41, 64.31 in the Hall of Curiosities in Oribos. He has three Barber Chairs to sit in to access your standard assortment of appearance customizations.
Oribos Stable Master
The Oribos Stable Master, Keeper Ta’saran, is located at the coordinates 59.21, 75.47 in the Hall of Curiosities in Oribos.
The Great Vault

The Great Vault is located at the coordinates 65.22, 30.51 in the Hall of Holding in Oribos. The Great Vault is where you will select a reward each week if you completed the necessary Raiding, Mythic Plus, or PvP requirements. The number of items you’ll be able to select from varies depending on how many goals you completed.