Necrolord Covenant
“Among the necrolords, strength is rewarded and weakness cast aside. The souls of the ambitious and contentious are forged into an immortal army charged with the defense of the Shadowlands.
In the birthplace of necromantic magic, those who master the powers of death turn legions of ambitious souls into relentless armies. Should you join the Necrolords, you will take on the role of protector of the Shadowlands and carry the weight of a divided house upon your shoulders. But are you the one that prophecy has foretold?
If you’re a believer in the power of might? Then the Necrolords Covenant just may be where you place your loyalties within the Shadowlands.”
Necrolord Covenant Overview
The Necrolords of Maldraxxus are the military might of the Shadowlands, tasked with defending those who reside there from threats across the universe. They are also the original practitioners of necromancy, weaving flesh and bone into abominations to serve in their immortal army.
Necrolord Covenant Abilities
Upon joining the Necrolord Covenant players will gain two abilities, a Signature Covenant Ability and a Class Covenant Ability. The Signature Ability is available to players of any class who are members of the covenant, and the Class Ability is based on which class you play. This means a Necrolord Warrior and a Necrolord Druid will each have the same Covenant Signature Ability and a different Class Ability.
Necrolord Covenant Signature Ability – Fleshcraft
The Necrolord Covenant Signature Ability is Fleshcraft. It creates an absorb shield after a 4-second channel equal to 20% of your health. If you’re by a corpse, the shield can scale up to 50% health depending on the defeated enemy.
10 yd range
Channeled (4 sec cast) 2 min cooldown
Form a shield of flesh and bone over 4 sec that absorbs damage equal to 20% of your maximum health for 2 min.
Channeling near a corpse claims their essence to grow the shield, up to 50% of your maximum health. This is most effective against powerful enemies.
Necrolord Covenant Class Abilities
Please note that these abilities are still being tuned on Shadowlands Beta and do not have up to date versions available in the WoW API. We have relied on data mining the most recent Beta build to generate the tooltip text.
Necrolord Warrior – Conqueror’s Banner
Instant 3 min cooldown
Requires Warrior
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.
Arms, Protection: While active, spending 20 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory. Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.
Fury: While active, spending 30 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory. Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.
Necrolord Hunter – Death Chakram
40 yd Range
Instant 45 sec cooldown
Requires Hunter
Throw a deadly chakram at your current target that will rapidly deal [25% of Attack Power] Shadow damage 7 times, bouncing to other targets if they are nearby.
Each time the chakram deals damage, its damage is increased by 15% and you generate 3 Focus.
Necrolord Mage – Deathborne
5% of Base Mana 40 yd Range
1.5 sec cast 3 min cooldown
Requires Mage
Transform into a powerful skeletal mage for 20 sec.
While in the form of a skeletal mage, your Frostbolt, Fireball, and Arcane Blast hit up to 2 enemies near your target and your spell damage is increased by 10%.
Necrolord Rogue – Serrated Bone Spike
15 Energy 30 yd Range
Instant 30 second recharge
3 Charges
Requires Rogue
Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon
Embed a bone spike in the target, dealing [60% of Attack Power] Bleed damage every 3 sec until they die. Deals [60% of Attack Power] damage and generates 1 Combo Point per active bone spike.
Refunds 1 charge when target dies or is healed to full. Serrated Bone Spike’s bleed has a 30% chance to deal its damage a second time.
Awards 1 combo point.
Necrolord Priest – Unholy Nova
5% of Base Mana 40 yd Range
Instant 1 min cooldown
Requires Priest
An explosion of dark energy infects enemies within 15 yds with Unholy Transfusion, and heals allies for up to [150% of Spell power] based on number of targets.
Unholy Transfusion
Deals up to [375% of Spell power] Shadow damage based on number of targets over 15 sec. Allies who damage this target are healed for [4% of Spell power].
Necrolord Warlock – Decimating Bolt
4% of Base Mana 40 yd Range
2.5 sec cast 45 sec cooldown
Requires Warlock
Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [120% of Spell Power] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next Drain Soul by 100%.
Decimating Bolt’s damage, and the bonus to Drain Soul both increase as your target’s health decreases.
Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [120% of Spell Power] Shadow Damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Demonbolts by 100%.
Decimating Bolt’s damage, and the bonus to Demonbolt both increase as your target’s health decreases.
Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [120% of Spell Power] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Incinerates by 100%. This value is reduced while using Fire and Brimstone.
Decimating Bolt’s damage, and the bonus to Incinerate both increase as your target’s health decreases.
Necrolord Paladin – Vanquisher’s Hammer
30 yd range
Instant 30 sec cooldown
Requires Paladin
Throws a hammer at your target dealing [170% of Spell Power] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Word of Glory to automatically trigger Light of Dawn.
Throws a hammer at your target dealing [170% of Spell Power] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Word of Glory to automatically trigger Shield of the Righteous.
Throws a hammer at your target dealing [170% of Spell Power] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Templar’s Verdict to automatically trigger Divine Storm.
Necrolord Druid – Adaptive Swarm
5% of Base Mana 40 yd range
Instant 25 sec cooldown
Requires Druid
Command a swarm that heals [126% of Spell power] or deals [120% of Spell power] Shadow damage over 12 sec to a target, and increases the effectiveness of your periodic effects on them by 20%.
Upon expiration, jumps to a target within 25 yards, alternating between friend and foe up to 3 times.
Necrolord Shaman – Primordial Wave
3% of Base Mana 40 yd Range
Instant 45 sec recharge
1 Charges
Requires Shaman
Blast your target with a Primordial Wave, dealing [65% of Spell Power] Shadow damage and apply Flame Shock to an enemy, or heal an ally for [65% of Spell Power].
Your next Lava Burst will also hit all targets affected by your Flame Shock for 80% of normal damage.
Blast your target with a Primordial Wave, dealing [65% of Spell Power] Shadow damage and apply Flame Shock to an enemy, or heal an ally for [65% of Spell Power].
Your next Lightning Bolt will also hit all targets affected by your Flame Shock for 100% of normal damage.
Blast your target with a Primordial Wave, dealing [65% of Spell Power] Shadow damage and apply Flame Shock to an enemy, or heal an ally for [65% of Spell Power].
Your next Healing Wave will also hit all targets affected by your Riptide for 60% of normal healing.
Necrolord Monk – Bonedust Brew
40 yd range
Instant 1 min cooldown
Requires Monk
Hurl a brew created from the bones of your enemies at the ground, coating all targets struck for 10 sec. Your abilities have a 50% chance to affect the target a second time at 35% effectiveness as Shadow damage or healing.
Brewmaster: Tiger Palm and Keg Smash reduces the cooldown of your brews by an additional 1 sec when striking enemies with your Bonedust Brew active.
Windwalker: Spinning Crane Kick refunds 1 Chi when striking enemies with your Bonedust Brew active.
Mistweaver: Gust of Mists heals targets with your Bonedust Brew for an additional [42% of Attack Power].
Necrolord Demon Hunter – Fodder to the Flame
Instant 2 min cooldown
Requires Demon Hunter
Commission a duel against a Condemned Demon from the Theater of Pain. Vanquishing your foe releases an Empowered Demon Soul and creates a pool of demon blood for 15 sec reducing the damage enemies within the pool deal to you by 15%.
Fleshcraft treats the Condemned Demon as a powerful enemy.
Necrolord Death Knight – Abomination Limb
20 yd Range
Instant 2 min cooldown
Requires Death Knight
Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. Every 1 sec, it deals [25.76% of Attack Power] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls and enemy to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain 3 Bone Shield charges.
Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.
Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. Every 1 sec, it deals [25.76% of Attack Power] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls and enemy to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Rime.
Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Unholy:
Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. Every 1 sec, it deals [25.76% of Attack Power] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls and enemy to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy, gain Runic Corruption.
Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.
Necrolord Covenant Rewards
As you gain Renown with the Necrolords, you’ll be able to unlock exclusive rewards only available to members of the Necrolord Covenant.
Necrolord Covenant Armor

One of the primary rewards for gaining renown are the new Necrolord Covenant armor sets that display your dedication to your Covenant. These appearances can only be earned and worn by members of the Necrolord Covenant. Along with the armor, you’ll also unlock exclusive back attachment appearances to go with your fancy new regalia to use instead of a cloak appearance.
Necrolord Covenant Mount

There are two mounts that you can unlock as a Necrolord player: the Plaguerot Tauralus and the Armored Plagerot Tauralus.
Necrolord Covenant Pet
The Necrolord Covenant Pet is Jiggles, an adorable little goo and skeleton kitty.
The Seat of Primus – The Necrolord Covenant Sanctum

The Necrolord Covenant’s Sanctum is The Seat of Primus. This area is only accessible by Necrolord players and will serve as a base of operations for your work with your Covenant. This is likely where you’ll find yourself starting and ending your play sessions during Shadowlands.
Abomination Factory
“During the first weeks of the Necrolord Covenant Campaign, you’ll be introduced to Rathan and Emeni, who you will work with to establish a small community known as the Butchers Block. It’s here that various constructs loyal to the Seat of the Primus gather and where you’ll unlock a new crafting system—Abominable Stitching.
You’ll need to gather a variety of resources to begin your journey into mastering fleshwork and bringing a variety of constructs to life. Each of these constructs will become residents of the Butcher Block, adding their own unique personalities, quests, and (in some cases) companionship on your adventures.”
The Abomination Factory is the Necrolord’s unique structure. Here, you’ll craft abominations that will become fixtures of your Sanctum, letting you get quests and other bonuses from them.
Necrolord Anima Conductor
As you collect Anima to help the Necrolords strengthen Maldraxxus, you’ll be able to choose which areas to direct the Anima to using the Anima Conductor. There are 6 areas you can channel the Anima to, and each area will provide a different reward. Eventually, you’ll be able to permanently restore the area and always have access to the unique bonus that it provides.
- House of the Chosen – Find a unique Covenant treasure.
- House of Constructs – Fight an enemy champion.
- House of Plagues – Access a Covenant World Quest.
- House of Eyes – Access a set of Covenant daily quests.
- House of Rituals – Get access to powerful necrolord enhancements.
- Theater of Pain – Fight an elite enemy champion.
Necrolord Travel System – Abominable Transporation
Each Covenant has an exclusive travel system available to them within their home zone. The Necrolords travel around using an Abomination that they’ll craft using the Abomination Factory. You’ll need to gather parts to create your transportation Abomination as you work to further your Covenant’s goals.
Necrolord players also have the option of jumping off of the Necropolis circling the zone and using a Goblin Glider Kit to get anywhere quickly.
Necrolord Soulbinds
As you work to further the Necrolord’s goals, you’ll form a bond with powerful members of your Covenant.
Plague Deviser Marileth
“Plague Deviser Marileth is as eccentric as he is brilliant, and created some of the most efficacious potions in all of Maldraxxus. When the House of Plagues was destroyed, Marileth was driven mad in the aftermath. Marileth’s creative solutions prove vital to the war effort . . . despite the occasional side effect.”
“Emeni, the Slaughter Daughter was assembled in the stitchyards of Maldraxxus. In life, she was a powerful noble who slaughtered hundreds of her siblings to claim the throne. She respects your strength and prowess as you work together to exterminate their mutual enemies. A legend in her own right, her notoriety rises even higher as she binds her soul to the Maw Walker’s.”
Bonesmith Heirmir
“Bonesmith Heirmir is the Primus’s apprentice and among the oldest mortal souls in Maldraxxus. With eons of training and practice, she is the foremost expert on forging weapons and armor made of bone and steel. The arsenals she creates keep the House of the Chosen and you fully equipped to face the enemies that surround them.”